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Spanish Sentence Analyser

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     1. pron. (third person (also used for usted and ustedes) reflexive direct or indirect object) oneself, himself, herself, itself, yourself; each other; one another
           Juan se lava. - Juan washes himself.
           Juan se lava la cara. - Juan to himself washes the face.
           Juan y María se aman. - Juan and María love each other.
     2. pron. (used to convey the meaning of the English passive voice in the third person and with) usted and ustedes
           ¿Cómo se llama? - How do you call yourself?
           Se dice que... - It says itself that...
           Aquí se habla español - One speaks Spanish here, Spanish speaks itself here.
     3. pron. (used instead of indirect object pronouns) le and les (before the direct object pronouns lo, la, los, or las)
           El samaritano se las dio. - The Samaritan gave them to him.
     4. v. misspelling of sé
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of conjugar
          1. v. to combine; join
          2. v. (grammar) to conjugate
     1. Proper noun. Como (city and capital of Como)
     2. adv. as (to such an extent or degree)
           No es tan alta como nosotras. - She's not as tall as us.
     3. adv. like, about (approximately)
           Hemos esperado como media hora. - We've waited like half an hour.
     4. conj. as (introducing a basis of comparison or equality)
           ¿Tienes tanta hambre como yo? - Are you as hungry as I am?
     5. conj. as, since (being that)
           Como nunca vio mi mensaje, vamos sin ella. - Since she never saw my message, we're going without her.
     6. conj. how (in which way)
           Me gusta como hablas. - I like how you talk.
     7. conj. (followed by the subjunctive) if, unless (under the condition that)
           Como llegues tarde otra vez, ¡te mato! - If you arrive late again, I'll kill you!
     8. prep. as (in the manner or role specified)
           Mis ahijados me ven como un tío. - My godchildren see me as an uncle.
     9. prep. such as (for example)
           Algunos países de Asia, como Laos y Vietnam... - Some countries in Asia, such as Laos and Vietnam...
     10. prep. like (similar to, reminiscent of)
           Llevan gafas redondas como las de John Lennon. - They wear round glasses like John Lennon's.
     11. v. first-person singular present indicative of comer
          1. v. to eat
                ¿Cómo como? ¿Cómo cómo como? ¡Como como como! (classroom example of written accent) - How do I eat? What do you mean, how do I eat? I eat like I eat!
          2. v. (colloquial) to eat away, corrode
          3. v. to capture a piece
          4. v. (double entendre, Mexico) to have sexual intercourse (because of similarity to coger)
          5. n-m. eating, food
                quitárselo uno de su comer - to deprive oneself of something for the benefit of others
                el comer fuera es muy común - eating out is very common
                ...necesario para el alma como el comer para el cuerpo - ...necessary for the soul like food for the body
     1. v. to have, possess
           Ella tiene seis hermanos. - She has six brothers.
           Tengo una pluma. - I have a pen.
     2. v. to have, possess, to be (a condition or quality)
           Usted tiene suerte. - You have luck.
           ¡Ten cuidado! - Have care!
           ¿Quién tiene razón? - Who has reason?
     3. v. to hold, grasp
           Ten esto. - Hold this.
     4. v. to contain, to hold (e.g. to "hold the power to", "hold the key", "hold a clue", "hold the truth", "have a hold on", "hold in store", "hold all the cards", "hold in high regard", etc.)
           Este tarro tiene las cenizas. - This jar contains the ashes.
           El estadio es enorme. Puede tener una capacidad de hasta cien mil espectadores. - The stadium is huge. It can hold up to one hundred thousand spectators.
           Solía pensar que ese libro tenía todas las respuestas. - I used to think that book held all the answers.
     5. v. to have, feel (internally)
           Él le tiene mucho cariño a ella. - He has much admiration for her.
           Tengo frío. - I feel cold.
           Tenemos hambre. - We have hunger.
     6. v. to make to feel
           Eso nos tiene tristes. - That makes us sad.
     7. v. to have (a measure or age)
           Tiene tres metros de ancho. - It has three metres of width.
           Tengo veinte años. - I have twenty years.
     8. v. (used with que) to have to
           Tengo que salir ahora. - I have to leave now.
     9. v. to get (e.g. to get a minute, to get an idea, to get a chance, to get a concussion/bruise/headache, to get in an accident, to get a place, to get a view of, to get a meeting, to get a vision, etc.)
           Ese cadete necesita tenerlo bajo control. - That cadet needs to get it under control.
     10. v. to keep, to bear (in certain phrases; e.g. to bear in mind, bear a resemblance, keep a journal/diary, keep around something or someone)
           Ten en cuenta que es más difícil de volver a subir al cañón que descenderlo. - Keep in mind that it's more difficult to go back up the canyon than to go down it.
           Pronto voy a comprobar sus billetes, así que ténganlos a manos. - I will soon be checking your tickets, so keep them handy.
           Ella tuvo diez hijos, todos partos naturales. - She bore ten children, all natural births.
     11. v. to make (in a few select phrases)
           Ahora todo tiene sentido. - Now everything makes sense.
     12. v. to be taken (usually has deber for an auxiliary verb when used)
     13. v. attention, Expressions that may need to be explained:
     14. v. tener en cuenta
     15. v. tener prisa
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